Zoiper Iphone

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In order to setup Zoiper on your iPhone, you will need to enable SIP credentials on your MyAccount page.

• You will need to access and download Zoiper from iTunes.

• Once you have downloaded and installed the app, please launch it.
• You will be sent to the dialpad. To create a new SIP account press Settings on the bottom right.

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• From settings, you will need to go to the Accounts at the top.

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After that, please go to the + on the top right.

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Then click on SIP account..

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• Fill out the SIP Options with your SIP Credentials.
Account Name is your name.
Domain is the Proxy Server.
Username is the Phone Power number.
Password is the SIP Password.
Auth Username is the Phone Power number.

• Afterwards, please click on the green Register button to register your softphone.

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