Using An Existing Answering Machine

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  • To use an existing answering machine, you will need to adjust the ring duration on the phone power line to have 'no limit'.

LOGO Only1.JPG Please go to MyAccount and log in with the username and password for your account.

LOGO Only1.JPG Once logged into the MyAccount section, click on the phone numbers link.

Account menu.JPG

LOGO Only1.JPG Now adjust the ring time for the main number to no limit.

LOGO Only1.JPG Click on save this information.

File:Account numbers.JPG

You have now set the service up for use with a standard answering machine.

  • Note: If you have a duplicate of your main number in the home secondary field, please delete the home secondary number. If you have multiple numbers in here and have simultaneous ring enabled, make sure you adjust the ring time to no limit for all the numbers you have listed. Otherwise, the lowest value will be the actual ring duration.