IPhone Voicemail Manager

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This app is separate from the PhonePower app. You can check your voicemail messages as well as fax messages as well.

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First, to install the app, please go to your Appstore and search for PhonePower Voicemail Manager.
Once there, please click on GET.

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Click on Open to open the application.

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On this screen, please login using your Username and Password you used for your PhonePower Account Portal.

You can also use the Remember Me toggle to save your information.

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Once you log in, this screen will show you which line on your Account will show up and also all the Voicemails on this line.
You can change the line by pressing the phone number.
The top right is the Settings button for other settings.
To open a message, please click on the orange and grey arrow to the right of the message.

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After the orange and grey button, this screen has 3 buttons which are: Pause, Play, and Stop.
Above that is the track bar for the audio of the call.

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Going back to the Voicemail List, if you press the Edit button on the top left, you will be able to delete any message on your list.

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After clicking on the red circle on the left, you can delete the message by clicking on the red Delete button on the right.

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This is the Settings page.
Here, you can edit your voicemail notifications.
You will need to input your email address. One option is with attachments and one is without.

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Scrolling down the Settings page, you can customize the Usage Quota for your inbox.
You can automatically delete old messages or send a notification.