Failsafe Number

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  • Phone Power's Failsafe Number Feature will forward incoming calls to your Phone Power number to a FailSafe phone number of your choosing in the event our system cannot send the calls to your Phone Power device (Your Internet goes down, there is a power outage, etc.)

This feature allows you to define a number to send all calls to in the event we cannot send them to your device (internet down/power out etc).

LOGO Only1.JPG For example, if your device is online and registered it will receive calls normally, however if suddenly your power goes out, it will still show as registered in our system for the next 60 minutes or so, but all calls to it will not work because your power is off. Our network will instantly detect the lack of response from the device in this scenario and decide to re-route the calls to your failsafe number until your device becomes available again.

Today, the only valid destinations for a FailSafe number are north American 10 digit numbers. Calls made to the failsafe number are considered forwarded calls and will use outgoing minutes as normal (and perhaps accrue international charges if forwarded to a 10 digit international number).