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A basic guide to your Cloud PBX navigation bar.

This button will take you to your account home screen. Your Home Screen will show you various pieces of information about your account in one place. It will show call forwarding status, a partial call log, a list of recent voicemails as well as the directory of other lines on the Cloud PBX.

CPBX-user-call log.jpg
This button will take you to your full call log.

This button will take you to view all of the voiceMails for your account. You will also be able to configure Email Notifications for new voicemails as well as managing how the system handles old voicemails.

CPBX-user-call forwarding.jpg
This button will take you to your Call Forwarding controls. This will allow you to configure how you want calls handeled.

This button will allow take you to your contacts management screen. This is where you would Add, Delete or Update your contacts information.

The Settings drop down will allow you to access your account settings and to log out. Your account settings include changing your password, updating your email address, and resetting your voicemail PIN.

The Click2Call button will open the Click2Call interface. The Click2Call interface slides out from under the navigation bar.