Adding a schedule for ICM rules to follow

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Setting up a schedule with a custom rule set will allow you to set up specific call flows during certain times and days. This can add more flexibility in how your calls are handled. For this example, let’s say that you want to set up a rule in which all calls are forwarded to your voice mail during the night.

• Log into the My Account portal and click on the Call Forwarding settings.

• Click on the Schedule tab and add a new schedule. For this example we will name it “Night Hours.”

• Click the Add Schedule button.

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Now you will define the hours in which you want the schedule to be active.

• Click on the corresponding day and time in which you want the schedule to apply.

• Click and drag across multiple boxes to add more quickly.

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Evening hours will appear on the bottom of the calendar, scroll down to reveal them.

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• When you’re done click on the “Save” button to save the changes.

Now you will have to define what Rule Set the schedule will follow.

• Click on the Rule tab at the top and create a new Rule Set. For consistency sake, it will share the same name as the recently created schedule.

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Next you will want to define the Default Rule Set for this rule.

• Highlight the default rule and select Edit Rule. In this example we will want all calls to go to voice mail. Click on Save when finished to save the Rule Set.

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The last thing that will have to be done is to enable the schedule.

• Go to the Summary tab and click on the “Use Rules” side tab. You will now see the “Night Hours” schedule on the right hand side.

• On the drop down next to the schedule name, select the Rule Set that you wish the schedule to follow. In this instance you will select “Night Hours.”

• Click on Save when you’re done.

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You can have up to 3 different schedules, each with it’s own Rule Set. Please note that schedules cannot overlap.

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