*61: Activates the caller id blocking on all outbound calls

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This will Block the Caller ID for all outgoing calls placed from the Phone Power phone.

To use:

LOGO Only1.JPG Pick up the Phone Power phone.

LOGO Only1.JPG Once you hear a dial tone, dial *61#.

LOGO Only1.JPG Hang up the Phone Power phone.

LOGO Only1.JPG Now caller ID will be blocked for all outbound calls.

  • Note - Using this option overwrites outbound caller ID blocking from the My Account settings.

To unblock the Caller ID for one outbound call

LOGO Only1.JPG To show the caller ID on a per call basis, dial *82 + the phone number you are calling.

LOGO Only1.JPG Example: *82 818 555 1212.

LOGO Only1.JPG This will allow your caller ID to be shown for this single outbound call.