Using A Linksys RT31P2 With A 2700/2701/3800 HGV

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To configure your device to function with the Linksys RT31P2 connected to it, please follow these instructions

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg For the first step in this process, we will need to find out the current IP address being assigned to your Linksys by your 2Wire modem.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Connect a computer directly to one of the three Ethernet ports on the back of the Linksys, and navigate to

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once at this page, you will be prompted for a username and password.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg The default username and password are both admin.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once logged into the Linksys, you will default to the setup tab. Click on status, then router underneath it, and you will be taken to the router status page.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once at the router status page, make note of the internet IP address, we will need this IP address later on.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Next, connect your computer directly to your 2Wire, open up a web browser and navigate to and log into the router.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once in the device, click the firewall link at the top.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once on the firewall screen, click on firewall settings link in the top menu bar.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Once on the firewall settings page, select the IP address of the Linksys RT31P2 from the drop down menu. This is the IP address that you received in the first step of this process.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Click the bottom radio button labeled Allow All Applications (DMZplus mode) and click the done button at the bottom of the page.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg After you click done, the 2Wire will issue a new IP address to the Linksys device that is within the DMZ, and will allow all traffic to pass through to it.
CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Now, we must disable the SIP ALG that may be present on this device.
CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Note: Not all 2wire modems have a SIP ALG that can be disabled.
CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Open up a browser and navigate to OR

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg After you access the management and diagnostic console, a navigation bar allows you to quickly select pages.

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CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Now click on Configure Services in the Advanced section. The following page will be loaded.

CustomerProvidedRoutersIcon.jpg Un-check SIP Application Layer Gateway then Submit.

You will need to power cycle the Linksys RT31P2 device for this to take effect. Simply remove the power cord from the back of the Linksys RT31P2, wait 20 seconds, and plug it back in. After 3-5 minutes the Linksys RT31P2 should be registered and able to make and receive calls.

If you are unable to place a call after 15 minutes, please contact our support department for additional assistance.