Combining Rule Sets

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  • NOTE:This article assumes you've familiarized yourself with how basic rules work. To review an individual rule, please see Using a set of Rules

A Rule Set is, as the name says, a set of rules that you set up in order to manage how your call flow will work. You can have up to 20 Rule Sets, each one with a maximum of 100 rules. Keep in mind that the call flow will follow the rules in each order that you place them in, so order does matter. In the following example assume that you want to set up a specific call flow for numbers in the 818 area codes.

Alert.png Please be aware that you should only use one * per rule. Using more then one in a rule will break your ICM rules. If you only want to wildcard specific number positions use ? for each number.

• For the first step you will want to block certain pre-fixes from the 818 area code. You would set up the next rule as follows:

  • For this number 818777???? reject the call

Rule Set Expansion 1.JPG

In this example each ? is used as a place holder for any number between 0 – 9 (We also call these Wildcards). Therefore any number between 8187770000 to 8187779999 will be rejected.

•In the next step, you want one specific 818 number to always forward to another number. You would set up the rule as follows:

  • For this number 8185551234 forward to 2135559876

Rule Set Expansion 2.JPG

The first number will always forward to the second.

•For the last step you want any number that is within the same 818 area code and does not fit into any of the previous rules to request the caller state their name.

  • For this number 818* ask the caller to say their name. (Asterisk * is also a Wildcard)

Rule Set Expansion 3.JPG

•In this example the asterisk (*) is used in place of every possible number combination that could be used with an 818 area code.

•Please note that order matters. If the rule for 818* say their name was first then all calls will forward to the Phone Power number even if it’s on the rejected list.

Rule Set Expansion 4.JPG

  • NOTE: rule order can be adjusted by selecting a rule and clicking the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

• Once the rule set is complete be sure to click Save to save your changes.